Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Half-Birthday, my loves!

It's so very hard for me to believe that six months ago today, I became a mother at 4:30 am. There are times when it seems these two have been around forever, and other times where I suddenly feel sad for the time going so quickly.

I WAS born to be a mother. I just never knew how rewarding or life changing it would be. When faced with that obstacle of "Will it ever happen?"--well, there was nothing more depressing to me. When we were told that twins were on the way, my heart skipped a beat and changed. I still look at these two and have to cry; tears of happiness. Words cannot express how blessed I feel when I look at these little miracle babies. I usually think of myself as a good writer, but when it comes to describing my thoughts towards Liam and Grace, I find myself stumbling and somewhat speechless. Sean and I have both agreed--that it really doesn't matter what happens to us--where we live, what jobs we have, etc.--now that we have these two, life is complete. Period.


  1. Love Liam's sweater. Well, you know how I feel about baby sweaters in general.

  2. Your words are beautiful as is your family!
