Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Our Kansas City Trip

Well, I'm STILL trying to gather all the pictures from our trip. Sean insisted we wouldn't need our camera charger while we were there--I thought, "Okay--he'll see." Of course, the first day I go to take pictures, the battery is exhausted. (I should have thought the above but brought it anyway.)

So, we gathered pictures from everyone else's cameras, but they wouldn't all fit onto on zip drive. We got what we could--need to get the rest. I had taken some cute ones on my phone, but in the meantime, Grace ate the phone and I can no longer transfer any data or talk on it. Hmph.
(At least) Sharon & Rita also had about ten things break or fall apart in their (LOVELY) home in the last two days we were there, so at least I'm not alone in the frustration.
All that being said, we had a MARVELOUS time! Every last extended relative on Sean's side, I'm sure, were more than hospitable and gracious. We ate well, we slept relatively well (despite Liam & Grace waking a few times each night), and relaxed more than I have in a year or better. I'm actually having a hard time getting back into my work rythym. Who needs it, anyway?

Well, there may be more pictures later, is all I'm saying. Some of the best ones of the kids with their family members are still in cyber space somewhere. Here's a smattering of the rest.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

1st Birthday Pictures

Babies were everywhere! The little guy on the left with his mom and the little girl on the far right were Liam & Grace's roommates in the NICU at birth. Asa & Zoe are 22 hours younger; they're still pals. The little blondie in the white is one of Grace's best friends, Saige. They'll grow old together, I'm quite sure. The older girls are old neighbors of ours from South Park.
Me, Gracie, Saige, and Colter. . .I think, and Saige's dad, Clif. Alston and Colter are twin brothers who were also at the party. Yep, lots of babies!
My folks got to come help celebrate. Look how happy Liam and Grace are that it's SO COLD for their May birthdays!
Liam was NOT impressed with the whole eating cake in front of a crowd situation. Also note his signature bruise on the forehead. He pretty much can't go without one. Ever.
Grace totally dug the cake, or at least had fun trying to pick the polka dots off of the lady bug. Wait until I get the pictures up of their second birthday party in Kansas City. She went to TOWN!

So, I'm a little late in posting these. It's been busy. And now the kids are already 13 months old! Holy cow, put the brakes on somebody! Way, way too fast. My little babies. . .shoot, Liam's already RUNNING.