Saturday, July 11, 2009


Sean's decided that the old nursery song, Papa's Gonna' Buy You a Mockingbird, is too girly for Liam. Sure, he'll sing it to Grace any time, but he's working on a new and improved "boy" version.

Hush little baby, don't get upset
Papa's gonna' buy you a big Lego set.

If that Lego set has no rocket,
Papa's gonna' buy you a quarter-inch socket.

If that quarter-inch socket is broken,
Papa's gonna' buy you a golden token.

If that golden token won't pay off,
Papa will make fun of David Hasselhoff.

. . . . to be continued. Good start, though. We're currently looking for any suggestions to finish.

1 comment:

  1. Hahahahaha! I had to try really hard not to laugh out loud here at my desk. Love you Sean!
