Thursday, June 18, 2009

Two Little Darlings

Cool Little Liam.

Happy Little Grace.

Snuggle Bugs.

Just a quick word about their personalities. Grace? She's mellow, bright-eyed, and is a total Daddy's girl. She only figured out how to cry at about a month old, and the first time she did--it scared her and broke our hearts. Now, she's learning quickly how to use her little voice when she wants to be held. The only way we know she's hungry is when we hear/see her sucking on her fist. She's a real beauty, though a little flat-headed still from being wedged in my ribs for so long. Very calm, and very simple. Sean calls her his little squash--she curls up so tight on his chest. Definitely a little princess. . .

And then there's Liam. Liam is an Irish name, that actually means "strong willed warrior." We couldn't have picked a more fitting name for him. Not only was he a fighter in the NICU, surpassing everyone's expectations for oxygen needs, etc.--but he has such a strong personality already now! Goes from calm to on fire in about five seconds flat when he wakes up and decides he's hungry. Yeah, he gives notice. For about a millisecond--then you're in trouble. His hair is RED, too! Follows after his Grammy Gigi. (Sean's mom.) He's got the personality of a strong Irish boy, although he really softens up for mommy. He's our little pipsqueak--always making cute little squeaky noises awake and asleep, and has a raspy little grunt when he's hungry.


  1. I just love those snuggle bugs!

  2. So I don't get it, are you breastfeeding or not.
