Little Grace at birth.

Little Liam at birth. This is still how he likes to "pose" for diaper changes. Really fun.
In case you didn't know, Liam and Grace are already almost seven weeks old. A friend of mine who I hadn't been able to keep in touch with emailed about a week ago, and was like, "Hey--you haven't updated your blog lately. What's up?"
Well, friends, my life changed dramatically. On Friday, May 1st, I went to see Dr. Levine in the afternoon, as my legs were so swollen and painful I couldn't hardly take it any more. He'd been telling me all along that yeah, it's part of pregnancy. And the more baby you carry, the more swollen you get. Well, I could barely bend my legs at that point! He did some blood work, called me back a bit later to tell me my kidney function was a bit off, but he didn't think it was a big deal. He wanted me to come into the hospital that following Sunday (he would be there on call), to do a bit more blood work. And oh yeah--bring a suitcase just in case, because if the numbers were too wacky, he'd deliver the twins--we were at that point. He also mentioned that b/c of the lack of change in my body, he still thought I'd get to week 37 without much hassle.
He also said that due to my discomfort, he'd like to "disable" me, so I could quit working (and basically moving), and live like the queen I was destined to be. I had only planned on working one more week anyway, so it was no biggie. So Sean and I go home, I take roost in my recliner, and start making LONG lists of things he had to do--as I medically no longer could not. :0)
We sat around for most of the evening, neither one feeling like making dinner or going to get anything. Finally, around 9:30 that night, we decided we were hungry. Went for a quick run to Taco Bell, and ate in the car on the way home. At 10:15, I declared I was going up to bed. Of course every pregnant woman has to pee before that happens. I did, and when I stood up to wash my hands, I felt a quick weird cramp then something starting to gush.
WAS I PEEING MY PANTS?!?! I had just peed--weird. I sat back down, and went between trickling and gushing. Sean was still downstairs--I didn't want to alarm him, so I waited. After about fifteen minutes, when it wouldn't quit, I yelled a timid "Honey?!" To which he came running. I told him I thought my water might have broken, but wasn't sure, so he sits on the edge of the tub and starts googling the subject. (Thank goodness for I-Phones!) It should be clear, it should smell sweet. Sean wanted me to smell it. WHAT?! I told him too--he declined. After another twenty minutes, we finally decided to call the doctor. She said the only way to know was to come in so they could test the fluid.
Luckily, my bag was packed, but I needed to feed the cats and brush my teeth. Sean couldn't understand why I'd want to brush my teeth when I had an emergency--but who knows how long it'd take before I could do it again? We finally go out of there, and when they tested the fluid--there was no doubt I was having some babies. We sat for a long time in disbelief waiting for the motions to happen at the hospital. Neither one of us had prepared for that moment yet, and I certainly didn't imagine it would happen that way.
The doctor had to deliver three other babies before she could take mine. I had to have a c-section (they were both in weird breech positions), so all the regular births got to go first. We waited in a birthing room for a couple of hours, then I picked myself up, walked into the operating room, and the rest is history.
On Saturday, May 2nd at 4:28am, we welcomed Liam Robert, 4lbs 10.2 oz. & 17 3/4" long. At 4:29am, we welcomed Gratiana "Grace" Ruth, 4lbs. 14.8oz. & 17 3/4" long.
As they were early--I had just made it to 34 weeks--Liam's lungs weren't quite developed yet, and both needed to learn to control their body temperatures and learn to eat well. They were in the NICU for five days, then moved into the "grower nursery" (ISCU) for the rest of the time. They came home together on Friday, May 22nd.
We've never been more tired, or more happy.